Health post in Banjhakateri

The province of Gulmi is located in western Nepal, a 12 to16 hour car ride from Kathmandu.

Our health post is in Banjhakateri, where Bishnu was born.

overall view of the area
overall view of the area

The community provided a couple of rooms for the start. At first, the medical work will be done in a farmhouse, which has been slightly altered for our needs. Power, running water and a pit toilet are available. Therefore, we can meet a minimum hygiene standard. The house offers an examination room, a labor room, a room for small surgeries.

So far it is impossible to rely on computers or modern technology-based diagnostics. Bishnu Bhusal, our local Medical Assistant, treats his patients on the basis of thorough medical history, physical examinations and his personal experience. That is what he has been trained for and that is what he is good at. Under these circumstances about 80% of the problems can be solved.

Serious cases will be transferred to special hospitals and treated by specialists. Follow-up care can be done in Banjhakateri again. In case of a transfer to Katmandu, Krishna, our Coordinator, will welcome the patient and take care of the logistics.


In the future, we would like to support Bishnu with medical staff. We are thinking about German doctors, who are willing to work in Gulmi for a while. With their expertise, they could advance Bishnu's training. In return, such Western doctors might be able to recall certain skills, which they have forgotten thanks to our system of high tech diagnostics. Therefore, both sides will benefit from one another.

Construction of a new treatment center in 2013

After the monsoon season in 2013, we are planning to start the construction of a new building for our health post. The community will provide the property. Furthermore, the members of the community will supply stones from the local quarry and manpower for free. Brepal still has some time until then to collect the funds for the construction. The new building will help us improve medical standards.

You can help us realize this ambitious plan - click here to make a donation.


The project is intended to grow slowly and to develop in consideration of the special needs of the people in Banjhakateri. Brepal wants to help the people to help themselves. Hence the name „Community Health Center“. It is and always will be a project „by locals for locals“. The people from the region should create and realize their own ideas and concepts and become part of the idea. Brepal is there to assist them in a supplementary and consulting function only. We would like to share what we have....

Brepal e.V.

KSK Syke-Barrien



DE52 2915 1700 1011 0918 71



Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar.




Wir können was bewegen,

wir können es auch lassen.

Wir können Liebe geben,

genauso wie wir hassen.


Wir können viele Sachen

tagtäglich neu entscheiden,

ob wir im Leben lachen

oder am Leben leiden,


ob wir ganz unauffällig

uns mäuschenstill verhalten

oder etwas rebellisch

die Zukunft neu gestalten,


ob wir bei schrillem Unrecht,

das wir mit anseh'n, schweigen

oder mit den Betrog'nen

auf Barrikaden steigen.


Wird uns etwas genommen,

so bleibt selbst dann die Wahl,

wie lange wir festhalten

an Unglück oder Qual.


Wir werfen Licht und Schatten

in unsrer Lebenszeit

und weder Hell noch Dunkel

bleibt bis in Ewigkeit.


Wir haben freie Auswahl

beim Ja so wie beim Nein,

doch wer sich nicht entscheidet,

kann nicht lebendig sein.


Renate Eggert-Schwarten